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Pranic Healing

Healing Without Touch

It is a no-touch no-drug therapy

for physical, mental, emotional, and financial well-being. 

Lets discuss

Free Consultation

30 dollar for half an hr

60 dollars a hr session

Email me:

What is Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing is a "hands off" energy healing modality that supports and enhances the body's already innate ability to heal itself. When toxins and blockages are removed, the human system naturally trends towards wellness on it's own. When other factors that support this wellness are increased, healing happens at an even faster rate.

Can also be done remotely via: Zoom



Brandon Thompson is a talented healer.  An old soul in a young form, Brandon combines the energies of youth and precision to bring power and accuracy to his healings. In fact, Brandon started getting great results shortly after he began healing, and his skill continues to grow exponentially.

That may be because he loves the work – Brandon approaches each healing with enthusiasm, focus and dedication, fully committing himself to his client’s well-being. He has helped many people heal from both physical and emotional dis-ease including some very challenging Covid-19 cases.

A few client comments:

-          “My shoulder pain went away the day after my session with Brandon and it never came back” – N. H.

-          “I was severely ill for several weeks, in the hospital, receiving oxygen and plasma. Pranic Healing helped me recover.” – N. N.

-          “I had severe fatigue and persistent shortness of breath. After Pranic Healing I feel much better.” – G. H.

-          “I had chronic coughing, burning in my chest, bronchitis and sinus draining. After Pranic Healing I am 99% better.” – A. T.

-          “I had fever, cough and shortness of breath. Now I feel 100% better”. – C.T.

Free Consultation

Email Me:

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